People and children of every size, shape and color, especially people wearing hats, sunglasses, beards and uniforms. Other animals but especially dogs, cats, squirrels and rabbits. Odd sounds and sudden, loud noises. You may want to pick up a Puppy Desensitization CD JD Truck Training Centre for this purpose.
I also want to stress that against what you might believe, trucking companies work very hard at hiring as many students as they can get. You would think that a company would want all the experience behind the wheel that they can get. Well, this is simply not true. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why, but I have theories. And yap, you guessed it - I never have an unspoken thought - so I'll share them.
Truck driving school was a challenge but I did it. I have to tell you that when I got out there in the real world to start making money there was a lot of stuff that they didn't teach me. I went right through the school of hard knocks.
I have tried to reform Jesse to the best of my ability. I started with a book given to me by my brother-in-law; called Good Masters make Good Dogs. I followed this book to the t, child-locking my kitchen, putting shock systems on things, but it did absolutely nothing. Jesse just out-smarted it all. I was at a loss. I then turned to my veterinarian. The vet taught me tricks to correct misbehavior in animals that was "fool-proof". Well, obviously, my dog is either a genius or a dunce. Jesse seemed hopeless, resistant to any type of correction.
First I like to point out the legal side. This is a BIG ONE. Being a truck driver is fun and you can make a lot, or a ton of money. So what do I mean legal? Because we both know that you need a CDL license to drive... When I say legal we are looking at your MVR (Motor Vehicle Record). Why is this important? If you have 1 too many violations most trucking companies will not hire you. This is what the HR Truck Licence schools do not tell you.
Instructors will wander over now and then to see how things are going and offer advice. But for the most part it will be students helping out students. This was a popular way of doing things because there wasn't as much stress when Mr licence instructor weren't constantly watching our every move.
In any case, CDL training in the yard might consist of spending hour upon hour practicing highly specific maneuvers on a course with cones and lines. Or it might be spent learning how to shift and turn and control your speed. It could even be something in between. It's all a matter which state you're in.